Emotional map of the favorite and least favorite places of Haparanda residents in neighboring Tornio

Restaurant / Cafe / Pub

Restauranger/ Kaféer/ Puber

Age group 9 - 15 years: 44,5%



Age group 21 - 65 years: 100%

Age group 21 - 65 years: 55,5%

Age group 21 - 65 years: 67%


Age group 9 - 15 years: 33%


Age group 9 - 15 years: 80%

Age group 21 - 65 years: 67%


Activiti Park  

Age group 21 - 65 years: 40%

Age group 65 - 90 years: 33%

Age group 21 - 65 years: 20%

Age group 65 - 90 years: 57%

Little parks

Torneo church

Torneå kyrka 

Age group 65 - 90 years: 40%

Lilla parken 

Age group 21 - 65 years: 43%

Migrants: 20%

Age group 9 - 15 years: 33%

Shopping centers


Age group 9 - 15 years: 50%

Age group 21 - 65 years: 67%

Age group 9 - 15 years: 19%

Age group 21 - 65 years: 50%

Age group 21 - 65 years: 43%

Age group 65 - 90 years: 19%

Migrants: 19%



Age group 9 - 15 years: 50%

Favorite places

Age group 65 - 90 years: 50%

Least favorite places